Currently, 10,600 students receive higher education in NSAU. Specialists are trained by highly qualified teaching staff, including academicians of the Russian Academy of Sciences, 114 doctors of science and professors, more than 30 people have honorary titles of honored workers or figures of the Russian Federation, more than 400 people have academic degrees and titles. In order to ensure accessibility of higher agricultural education for rural youth, the University has organized training of schoolchildren in specialized classes and preparatory courses. In recent years, we have started training specialists in a large number of new specialties that expand the range of training profiles, which is determined by the status of the University, as well as the needs of the labor market and the needs of the population.
Students are trained in 26 areas of bachelor's degree, 16 areas of master's degree, 3 areas of specialty, 8 areas of postgraduate study and 14 specialties of secondary vocational education.
Students are trained together with institutes of the SB RAS on the basis of the Novosibirsk State Agrarian University. Testing and laboratory building, equipped with all standards and requirements for research and practice. The University has scientific cooperation with institutes in Japan, Germany, Macedonia, etc.