Faculty profile – production, processing and quality assessment of livestock products. Biological direction of training – bachelor's degree in biology, animal science, technology of production and processing of agricultural products, master's degree in biology and animal science. Preparation for processing and examination of food products – bachelor's degree in standardization and metrology, catering technology and commodity science, bachelor's and master's degree in animal food.
Direction of preparation:
- 06.03.01 Biology
- 35.03.07 Technology of production and processing of agricultural production
- 36.03.02 Livestock farming
- 19.03.03 Animal food production
- 19.03.04 Production technology and catering
- 27.03.01 Standardization and Metrology
Dean: Prof. Konstantin V. Zhuchaev; Tel.: +7 383 267-3336
E-mail: nsau@inbox.ru